Hello day nineteen! And a huge happy birthday to our very grown up eight year old Matilda! I absolutely cannot believe she is eight already. Wasn't she just a tiny baby babbling away?!
In honour of our little book loving eight year old, today's challenge is to read a book you've never read before. Matilda LOVES to read, which is quite handy considering she's named after one of our favourite fictional characters.
If you're not sure what to read check out this brilliant list of the 100 best children's books by Booktrust. And then maybe head to your local library to borrow one of them. You could sign up for the summer reading challenge too. It's fab!
You're sure to find some inspiration there :)
P.S. If you fancy sharing which books you're reading over on instagram or facebook use the hashtag #augustboredombusting. I'd love to see!