Buy a pin, gift a pin


I know all about this already, take me straight to buying and gifting the pins!

Sure thing lovelies. Buy and gift pins here.


What is 'buy a pin, gift a pin'?

In celebration of Mile's first birthday this weekend we're reinstating our successful 'buy a pin, gift a pin' campaign. For every pin badge bought between 6th-8th June we'll be donating one to the neonatal ward where our 29 weeker Miles was so beautifully cared for recently, for parents in need of a little reminder of their own hope, strength, bravery, and kindness. 

The hope is that having a bundle of badges in the neonatal ward for parents to take when they need one could bring a tiny bit of comfort during the darker days of their NICU journey. 

With kindness and teamwork we can help bring those parents a hug and a 'someone's thinking of you' reminder in the form of a gifted pin badge



But why are you donating pins to the neonatal ward?

If you've been following our story over on Instagram or Facebook you'll know that exactly one year ago we gave birth to our fourth baby, Miles George, 11 weeks early at only 29 weeks pregnant.

He was a tiny little 3lb 1oz dot and was born by emergency c-section after we both developed sepsis. My waters had broken four weeks earlier at 25 weeks, and it was a miracle that he had managed to stay inside until 29 weeks. We went through an almost 10 week journey through the neonatal unit at Wythenshawe Hospital, and Miles was cared for so beautifully there.

Having a baby in NICU is a very difficult thing to cope with. Some days are positive and some days are just crushing. Your heart breaks and heals every single day. So we wanted to do a little something to help other parents going through the same journey. We know that pins don't offer counselling, or financial support, or medical miracles. But hopefully they will give a tiny bit of comfort to people during their darkest days, to let them know that someone is giving them a hug and quietly saying 'you've got this'.



How does it work? Do I need to do anything differently when I order?

Don't worry, you can just order your pins as normal and we'll take care of the rest. You don't need to add anything different to your order, or use a code. We'll be logging all of the pin orders between 6th-8th June and then gifting a matching amount to the neonatal ward. Simple. 


Are all of your pin badges included?

Yes! Well, almost. All of our pins are included in the buy a pin, gift a pin deal, including the new rainbow pin pre-orders, but excluding the seconds pins.  


Do I have to buy a badge to gift one or can I just donate one instead?

Due to several requests for it, we have set up a listing which gives you the option to donate a badge without buying one for yourself. Simply choose how many badges you would like to donate and we'll take it from there.

We'll pick all of the gifted pins from our range and deliver them safely to the neonatal ward at Wythenshawe Hospital.



Are you only gifting pins to this hospital?

At the moment we are yes. It's a kind of thank you to the neonatal unit for providing such amazing care and support for us during Miles's ten week stay there. If the promotion is successful we would love to offer it out to other neonatal units in the country. Fingers crossed!


How is Miles doing now?

Amazingly thank you! He is an absolute warrior. A true miracle baby. He came home on oxygen and with a NG feeding tube, and was readmitted to hospital several times in the early weeks for blood transfusions, which brought some challenges. He came off both the oxygen and NG tube within the first few months of being home. We settled into our new rhythm as a family of six and are absolutely loving every minute with him. 

He is developmentally behind, and still very little - in fact at one year he's now exactly the average weight of a five month old! He's now sitting up by himself, rolling one way, eating all kinds of food, and giggling at everything. He adores his siblings and I think he's really benefitted from having them at home during the lockdown. He is just wonderful! 

If you would like to follow his story you can find lots more over on our new instagram page The Camomile Story.



I really hope that launching our 'buy a pin, gift a pin' deal helps to celebrate our own neonatal journey by helping others through theirs. Fingers crossed!